W. Thomas McNary
Sr. Wealth Advisor, Director
Tom began his financial services career in 2015 after graduating from the University of Colorado with a BA in history and minor in business administration. Prior to working with Mercer Advisors, he launched the Young Professionals Program at Confluence Financial Advisors, aimed at providing comprehensive financial planning, tax planning, and tax preparation to those in the early stages of their careers. At Mercer Advisors, Tom continues to serve early-career professionals as well as pre-retirees and retirees. He specializes in tax planning and stock option planning, and regularly gives talks on how to utilize stock options to help build wealth. Tom is a CFP® professional and has been recognized as one of the AdvisorHub 50 Next Gen Advisors to Watch in 2023. Outside of work, he can be found spending time with his wife in Lafayette and exploring all that the Colorado mountains offer on his snowboard.
Nominees for AdvisorHub 50 Advisors to Watch Nex Gen will be ranked in three main categories. 1. Scope: measured by assets under management, revenue/production and the level of service. 2. Growth: the year over change in assets, households and production/revenue. 3. Professionalism: includes regulatory record, community service and team diversity.
Please Note: Limitations. Neither rankings and/or recognitions by unaffiliated rating services, publications, media, or other organizations, nor the achievement of any professional designation, certification, degree, or license, membership in any professional organization, or any amount of prior experience or success, should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Mercer Advisors or its investment professionals are engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. A fee was not paid by either Mercer Advisors or its investment professionals to receive the award or ranking. The award or ranking is based upon specific criteria and methodology (see ranking criteria/methodology). No ranking or recognition should be construed as an endorsement by any past or current client of Mercer Advisors or its investment professionals.