A Sophisticated Investing Approach, Delivered for Your Portfolio

How Mercer Advisors Does Institutional-Grade Investing

A Team of Professionals Overseeing What’s in Your Portfolio

Investment Committee-led decision making

Investing Based on Facts, Not Fads

Evidence-based investing

Scale that Matters

Direct access to leading investors, typically with lower fees

As of 9/30/2023. Source: National Association of University Business Officers (NCUBO) and Mercer Advisors.

Seeking a Remarkable Level of Oversight

Full-time portfolio and market monitoring

Institutional Grade Investing Monitoring

Disclosure: Monitoring is dependent upon the type of account (managed or unmanaged) and client objectives, therefore specific monitoring may vary from client to client.

How Our Clients Benefit

Higher Performance Potential

The benefits of institutional-grade investing have historically added up to higher potential returns.

Disclosure: There can be no assurance that an institutional grade investing approach will boost returns during any point in time or time period. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

1 Mercer Advisors buying power refers to total client assets, client assets includes client assets under management (AUM) and client assets under advisement (AUA) as well as assets gained from recent acquisitions where the advisory agreements have been properly assigned to Mercer Global Advisors, but the custodial accounts have yet to be transferred and/or the accounts have yet to be migrated to Mercer Global Advisors’ portfolio management system.

Ready to use institutional-grade investing in your portfolio?